Sunday, June 10, 2012

Weekend Hike-Horseshoe Bend

We were scheduled for a Sunday hike to Horseshoe Bend, but it turned out to be so much more! We stopped at Maple Falls/Silver Lake Park for lunch (in the cold)! What a beautiful lake and park. 

We can't wait to come back and rent paddle boats sometime! From there we did our hike at Horseshoe Bend along the mighty roaring Nooksack river.

Terrific hike, no bugs and splendid scenery. The river is stunning and we enjoyed a "river beach" where John skipped rocks, Dan found a "bow" and Sarah "log-bathed" and I took pictures!

Then, what turned out to the be the highlight of the trip, was our drive out Mt Baker Highway. We were curious about Nooksack Falls, but we thought we were on the wrong road because it wasn't well marked. So we headed east, and east and east and east until we came to the Mt Baker Ski Area...and came upon this section of road with no guardrail on the way to Heather Meadows. It was SUPER creepy...we felt like we were just hanging out over this dropoff...but the view of Mt Shuksan was so beautiful we had to get out of the van! I horn-woggled everyone to slide around to the dropoff side, put the camera on the rear view mirror and got a crazy cool photo in the middle of nowhere! The kids loved seeing snow in June and we marveled at how both John and I have lived here our entire lives, but have never been to Mt Baker until now!

A friend told me that Mt Shuksan is one of the most photographed mountains in the world! Huh, go figure! Silver Lake park, several campsites (we enjoy driving through campsites!) and Nooksack Falls will bring us back up to Mt Baker Highway someday. What a fun family adventure!

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