Saturday, October 27, 2012

Gold Creek Pond


The goal for today was to get out on the trail for some fresh air and not get our feet muddy. I selected Gold Creek Pond just over Snoqualmie Pass. It turned out to be AWESOME for today, though I'd love to come back in the summer and see it against the blue sky.

The one mile path is PAVED around this manmade lake (used to be a gravel pit). POURING RAIN and totally FUN! It was cold up there, though and we saw a little (tiny) bit of snow, too. The lake itself is gorgeous and apparently quite deep. It was perfect because of the pavement-no mud. Even though we each had our own custom-trimmed garbage bag (!) we got pretty wet. Well, everyone except Sarah who enjoyed Gramma's umbrella.

The challenge was keeping the camera dry in the moisture-laden air, I'm going to have to think on that one. About half way around (we went counter clockwise), there's a peninsula. We walked out to the end. Gramma found a few rocks and the kids enjoyed "kerplunking" them into the water.

We decided to FORGET the picnic and head home...Gramma always packs terrific picnics and we all ate happily at home where it was warm and dry. :)

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