Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weekend Outing Discovery Park West Point Lighthouse Locks Shilshole Marina Golden Gardens

What a day...we drug out feet getting out of the house, arriving at Discovery Park in Seattle after 4pm. This lighthouse was more challenging than it appears because we had to drive to the visitor's center to get a pass to park down by the lighthouse access. After frolicking on the beach, we went to the Locks at dusk. When we arrived at 8pm, a yacht was passing through-what luck! The kids got to experience the closing, filling and opening of the Locks! But wait, there's more...then about 8:45pm a TUG BOAT pushing a BARGE came through! Who could plan THAT!? The Locks close at 9pm, but never fear, we used the very last of our daylight by visiting the Shilshole Marina. And who knew, but Golden Gardens is open PAST DARK! Many people had campfires on the beach and the kids played on the playground equipment in the dark with the parents ate the remaining sliced kielbasa and cheese & crackers!

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